Medical Wig Info

Medical wigs, also known as medical-grade or cranial prothesis, are specifically designed for individuals who are experiencing hair loss due to medical conditions, treatments, or surgical procedures. These wigs are different from regular fashion wigs and are created to address the unique needs of people with hair loss related to various issues. Here are some common groups of people who benefit from medical wigs:

Cranial prosthesis units, commonly known as cranial prostheses or medical wigs, are specialized hair replacement systems designed for individuals experiencing significant or total hair loss. They are particularly suitable for individuals who meet certain criteria, including:

  1. Alopecia Totalis/Universalis Patients: Individuals with severe forms of alopecia, such as alopecia totalis (complete scalp hair loss) or alopecia universalis (total hair loss on the scalp and body), are excellent candidates for cranial prostheses. These individuals have lost all or nearly all of their natural hair and require a full hair replacement solution.

  2. Chemotherapy or Radiation Patients: People undergoing cancer treatments that cause extensive hair loss, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, can benefit from cranial prostheses. These units offer a natural-looking hair replacement option during and after cancer treatment.

  3. Trichotillomania Sufferers: Individuals with trichotillomania, a disorder characterized by compulsive hair pulling, may have areas of significant hair loss. Cranial prostheses can provide coverage for these areas and serve as a protective barrier to prevent further hair pulling.

  4. Severe Burn Survivors: Individuals who have suffered severe burns to the scalp or face, resulting in permanent hair loss, can consider cranial prostheses to restore their appearance and confidence.

  5. Congenital Hair Loss: Some individuals may be born with conditions that cause congenital hair loss or sparse hair growth. Cranial prostheses can help these individuals achieve a full head of hair and improve their self-esteem.

  6. Hair Loss due to Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, or scalp infections, can lead to significant hair loss. Individuals experiencing such conditions and subsequent hair loss can explore cranial prostheses as a solution.

  7. Thinning Hair or Androgenetic Alopecia: While cranial prostheses are primarily designed for individuals with extensive hair loss, they can also be considered by individuals with thinning hair or androgenetic alopecia (pattern hair loss). In these cases, cranial prostheses can add volume and length to the existing hair.

It's important to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist or a healthcare professional who specializes in cranial prostheses to determine individual candidacy and discuss the available options for hair replacement. They can assess the specific needs, expectations, and suitability for cranial prostheses based on the your unique circumstances.